Antonin Jean Desormeaux (1815-1894)
Antonin Jean Desormeaux was born on 25 December 1815 at Saint-Germain des Près in Paris. In 1844 he received his doctoral degree upon submitting the thesis on “Recherches sur la théorie élémentaire de la production des tissus accidentels”. In 1853, he presented a paper to the Académie de Médecine entitled “De l’endoscope”. In 1862, he was appointed “chef de service” at the Hopital Necker in Paris. Upon this appointment he intensified his work on endoscopy and also introduced physicians from all over Europe to endoscopy.
In October 1894, Antonin Desormeaux died at the age of 79 years.
Source: Sergio Musitelli, Who was Who in European Urology. EAU Historical Committee